Open Personals in Austria

Cities like Graz, Styria have 6 open personals!

Graz, Styria, Austria

Looking for a Friend

Seeking Male
Casual Encounter
Safe for Work

International lonely in Graz seeks like minded for friendship and maybe more ;)

Graz, Styria, Austria

Looking for Love

Seeking Female
Dating and Romance
Safe for Work

Hi there, looking for love in Graz :)

Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Short Distance Love

Seeking Female
Dating and Romance
Safe for Work

Hello there, I am 38M based in Graz but travel to Vienna every so often to visit some friends. It is harder to meet people in Graz although I love living in the city and appreciate all it has to offer. Would be more than willing to travel to Vienna if that is what it takes.

Götzis, Vorarlberg, Austria

Looking for some light fun

Seeking Male
Casual Encounter
Safe for Work

Looking for some light fun with a guy. I am visiting Götzis every so often for work and staying in a hotel ;)

Graz, Styria, Austria

Join our Meetup Group!

Strictly Platonic
Safe for Work

Hello to all newcomers to Graz, be sure to join our Meetup group where we are usually meeting on Sundays. We do events such as meeting in the Stadtpark here in Graz, go on hikes around the city, or attend events such as Graz Aufsteirern and the advent markets. Hope to see you there!

Sponsored by Graz Internationals · Meetup Group for internationals living in Graz!
Graz, Styria, Austria

Looking for a Connection

Seeking Transgender
Casual Encounter
Safe for Work

Hello, I have a very soft spot for transgender women. If you are around Graz whether on vacation or passing through please let me know and I can show you around the city and see if we have some chemistry. Hope to hear from you!

Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Seeking Life Partner

Seeking Female
Casual Encounter
Safe for Work

I visit Vienna often but I am based in Europe. Looking for something more? Please write and do not hesitate ;)

Graz, Styria, Austria

Seeking Business Partner

Seeking Male
Strictly Platonic
Safe for Work

Hello! I am looking for a business partner who can further develop personly. Areas of responsibility would include marketing, sales and product development. There is a huge equity/ownership stake possible and being able to work fully remotely is a requirement as well. You must be self motivated and hungry for the opportunity to build something special!

Graz, Styria, Austria

Night Out on the Town

Seeking Female
Casual Encounter
Safe for Work

Hello there :) Just checking in to see if anyone is available in the city to meet and go for a drink? I'm 35 male and originally from Canada with dual Austrian/Canadian citizenship. The advent markets are really nice here too so we always have that option!

Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Seeking Business Partner

Seeking Male
Strictly Platonic
Safe for Work

Hello! I am looking for a business partner who can further develop personly. Areas of responsibility would include marketing, sales and product development. There is a huge equity/ownership stake possible and being able to work fully remotely is a requirement as well. You must be self motivated and hungry for the opportunity to build something special!