Open Personals in Ontario, Canada

Cities like Ottawa, Ontario have 1 open personals!

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Wanna go skating with me?

Seeking Male
Dating and Romance
Safe for Work

Looking for someone special in my life who I can share activities with. To get to know each other, what do you think about going skating or out on the cross country ski trails together? I'm in my mid forties and enjoy nature as well as a good glass of wine or beer.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Seeking Business Partner

Seeking Male
Strictly Platonic
Safe for Work

Hello! I am looking for a business partner who can further develop personly. Areas of responsibility would include marketing, sales and product development. There is a huge equity/ownership stake possible and being able to work fully remotely is a requirement as well. You must be self motivated and hungry for the opportunity to build something special!

Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Talking a walk, dinner date

Seeking Male
Dating and Romance
Safe for Work

I love laughing on jokes made by someone I like, life is very simple because the simplest things makes me happy.

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Seeking Business Partner

Seeking Male
Strictly Platonic
Safe for Work

Hello! I am looking for a business partner who can further develop personly. Areas of responsibility would include marketing, sales and product development. There is a huge equity/ownership stake possible and being able to work fully remotely is a requirement as well. You must be self motivated and hungry for the opportunity to build something special!

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Holistic Training Experience

Strictly Platonic
Safe for Work

Elevate your personal training experience with a CHEK trained professional. I will deliver high quality exercise and nutrition programs based off of comprehensive posture, core and lifestyle assessments. Not only will you achieve great results, but you will learn effective holistic principles and habits that will sustain those results for a lifetime.

Holistic Exercise Pro · I aim to connect the dots and bridge the gaps between your fitness, lifestyle and nutrition.